Wednesday 6 June 2012

Making Space

My job as a style coach includes helping others clean out their wardrobes. I have styled both men and women, and am always fascinated to see how the different sexes shop. 

No doubt it will come as no surprise that whilst men are more practical in how they choose their clothes, women are far more emotional. 

Men tend to find a style they like, pick their size and 'job done'! Women, however, are much more preoccupied with a barrage of questions: do I like it? do I feel good? do I look fat? will my partner like it? will I fit in? etc etc

Clearing out your wardrobe can therefore be a daunting task as it is likely some buried emotions will resurface with the memory of  an old dress, top or outfit. We hold on to clothes for all sorts of reasons, perhaps in the hope we might lost those few pounds, or that fashion might re-emerge again, or simply we can't let go of the past.

I was sent this piece, based on the principles of Buddhism. It might  just help in taking that first step to opening the cupboard doors!
- Joseph Newton
Have you got the habit of hoarding useless objects, thinking that one day, who knows when, you may need them?
Have you got the habit of accumulating money, and not spending it because you think that in the future you may be in want of it?
Have you got the habit of storing clothes, shoes, furniture, utensils and other home supplies that you haven't used for some time?
And Inside Yourself............? Have you got the habit to keep reproaches, resentment, sadness, fears and more?
Don't do it! You are going against your prosperity!
It is necessary to make room, to leave an empty space in order to allow new things to arrive to your life.
It is necessary that you get rid of all the useless things that are in you and in your life, in order to prosperity to arrive.
The force of this emptiness is one that will absorb and attract all that you wish.
As long as you are materially or emotionally holding old and useless feelings, you won't have room for new opportunities.
Goods must circulate...
Clean your drawers, the wardrobes, the workshop, the garage...
Give away what you don't use any longer...
The attitude of keeping a heap of useless stuff ties your life down.
It's not the objects you keep that stagnate your life but rather the attitude of keeping...
When we keep in store, we consider the possibility of wanting of penury...
We believe that tomorrow it may lack, and that we won't be able to fulfill those necessities...
With that idea, you are sending two messages to your brain and to your life:
That you don't trust tomorrow and you think that the new and the better are not for you,
For this reason you cheer yourself up by storing old and useless stuff.
Get rid of what lost its colour and brightness....
Let the new enter your home and your life.
May prosperity and peace reach you soon.

Friday 1 June 2012

How to really love a child

I loved this so much I just had to share it...
...A manifesto for bringing up my children!